субота, 31 жовтня 2015 р.

Lesson "Ukraine and sport"

Theme: Ukraine and sport   

Мета уроку: 
Освітня:  вчити учнів вживати лексичний матеріал по темі, робити повідомлення, виконувати вправи       
                  по темі.
 Розвиваюча: розвиток в учнів умінь переносу знань у нові ситуації, розвиток слухової та 
                        зорової памяті, уваги, готовності до участі в іншомовному спілкуванні,   
                        розвиток навичок монологічного мовлення .
Практична : практикувати учнів у читанні , монологічному мовленні, усному спілкуванні
                        по темі, практикувати у фіксації та передачі інформації з максимальним 
                        вживанням лексичного матеріалу по темі, практикувати  самостійне
                        опрацювання  матеріалу та робити висновки.
Виховна :      виховувати в учнів розуміння важливості вивчення англійської мови; виховувати           
                       почуття патріотизму, прищеплювати любов до спорту.
Обладнання: підручник, словник, презентація, Інтернет, плакат часових форм дієслова, роздатковий матеріал
Тип уроку: комбінований урок

Хід уроку
I Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення
1.1            Організаційний момент      Goodafternoon, pupils. How are you?
                                                         What about your mood? Please, smile.
1.2            Ввід у сприйняття іншомовного мовлення

T: First of all let’s dicide what for we study English? But I want you to ask this question to   
    Volodimir Cheshinskiy, who studied in our lyceum.

Зв'язок по Скайпу з Америкою, з Чешинським Володимиром та його дружиною Аллою.
1)     Що вас повязує з Шепетівкою та ШПЛ?
2)     Чи розуміли ви важливість вивчення англ. мови навчаючись в ШПЛ?
3)     Що для вас дало вивчення англ. мови?
4)     Чи важливо вивчати англ. мову?

T: Is it important to know English? Why?
(учні дають відповіді заповнюючи таблицю)

1.3            Повідомлення теми, мети та завдань уроку.
T: Our today’s topic is “Ukraine and sport”.
     We must study new words, must have known much information about sportmen of Ukraine and we have to traine our speaking skills on topic.

 Let’s start.

1.4            Актуалізація опорних знань учнів

T: At first we shall remmember the words that we had learnt at the  previous lessons.   

Ø The first task is for two groups of  each team. (по 2 пари з кожного ряду)
Task: make up the words given in jumbled form:
1.             kcohye – hockey
2.             ntisen – tennis
3.             bofaltorl – football
4.             kistagn – skating
5.             ballvoeyll – volleyball
Ø Let’s revise the words on the topic. Answer for questions.

1.     What do you call a man who does a lot of sports? ( a sportsman)
2.     A person who trains sportsmen for competitions is called … ( coach)
3.     A person who has been given a medal is … (medalist)
4.     A person who controls matches is … ( a referee)
5.     A group of people acting together in a game is … (team)
6.     The place where people do physical training inside the building is … (gymnasium)

T: let’s check.
II Основна частина уроку

Ø This task will show us how well you understand the meaning. We have 8 kinds of sport. I’ll read the definitions and you must guess what kind of sport is it.


1.     football
2.     golf
3.     basketball
4.     badminton
5.     chess
6.     water polo
7.     ice-hockey
8.     tennis

a)    A game for two players. They have rockets. They hit a shuttlecock over a net.
b)    A game played by two teams of six players each that is played on an ice field.
c)     A game in which you use long sticks called clubs to hit a small ball into holes in grassy land.

d)    This is an outdoor game for two teams of eleven players. You need a ball, two goals and a referee.
e)     It’s a game in which two teams of five players try to throw a ball in a net basket fixed to a metal ring. The players bounce a ball and pass it to each other.
f)      This is an indoor game for two or sometimes four players who hit a small plastic ball to each other across a net.
g)    It’s a game for two players. They have sixteen figures which they move on the board. They must trap the opponent’s king to win.
h)    You play this game in the swimming pool. You need a ball and two goals. You must be a very good swimmer.

Key: 1-d; 2-c; 3-e; 4-a; 5-g; 6-h; 7-b; 8-f;
T: let’s check.

T: Sport is very popular in Ukraine. The best Ukrainian sportsmen are our national heroes. They take part in international sports competitions. By the way, do you know their names?
( учні дивляться на фото відомих спортсменів та називають їхні імена)
-            Andriy Shevchenko
-            Klischko brothers
-            Liliya Podkopayeva
-            Vasyl Virastyuk
-            Yana Klochkova

T: What information about them do you know? It was your home task. Let’s work.

v Учні розповідають про відомих українських спортсменів
-  Andriy Shevchenko
-  Klischko brothers
-  Liliya Podkopayeva
-  Vasyl Virastyuk
v andriy shevchenko
Andriy Shevchenko is a Ukrainian footballer who plays for Dynamo Kyiv and the Ukraine national team as a striker. He is the third-highest scorer in the history of European club competition with 63 goals. The most prestigious of Andriy's awards were the Golden Ball and the UEFA Cham­pions League in 2003 with Milan.
Vitali Klitschko, older brother, is the current WBC world heavyweight champion. He has the highest knockout percentage (95%) of any heavy­weight boxing champion in overall fights and has never been knocked out or knocked down in any professional boxing bout. His younger brother, Vladimir Klitschko, is a Ukrainian heavyweight boxer.
     Olympic all-around champion. She is widely regarded as one of the best gymnasts in history. She is the proud owner of 45 gold, 21 silver and 14 bronze medals.
    Vasyl Virastyuk is a strongman competitor from Ukraine. He competed in the finals of the World's Strongest Man contest in 2003 (3rd place) and 2004 (1st place). As well he won the 2007IFSA Strongman World Championship.


2.1 Pre – reading activities
T: First task: repeat after me.
1.     exception — виняток
2.     sprinter — спринтер
3.     consider — вважати
4.     pole vault — стрибок із жердиною
5.     following — наступний
6.     track-and-field athletics — легка атлетика
7.     wrestling — боротьба
T: Second task: find the accordance between the words and their transcriptions.
1.     exception  - c
2.     sprinter  - e
3.      consider - b
4.     following - d
5.      wrestling - a

T: let’s check.

2.2 Reading
Many people in the world go in for sports. Ukraine is not an exception. There are many talented skilful sportsmen in our country. The Ukrainian school of gymnastics is recognized the world over. Iryna Deriuhina, Oksana Skaldina, Oleksandra Tymoshenko have won World and European Championships. During her sport activities Larysa Latynina won 18 medals at the Olympic Games, including 9 gold, 5 silver and 4 bronze.
     Valerii Borzov is a famous Ukrainian sprinter. At the 20th and 21st Olympic Games he won 2 gold, 1 silver and 2 bronze medals.
Serhii Bubka is considered to be the best World's Athlete. He holds 35 world records in the pole vault and was eight times world champion and Olympic champion in this kind of sport.
At the 26th Olympic Games which took place in Atlanta our Ukrainian sportsmen won 9 gold medals and many silver and bronze ones. The following names have become known in the whole world: Olympic champion in gymnastics Katia Serebrianska, Olympic champion in boxing Volodymyr Klychko, Olympic champion in track-and-field athletics Inesa Kravets, Olympic champion in Greco-Roman wrestling Viacheslav Oliinyk and others.

2.3 Postreading activities
T: Find English equivalents of the following sentences using the text.
1.     Багато людей у світі займаються спортомю
2.      Українська школа гімнастики визнана у всьому світі.
3.     в 20 та 21 Олімпійських іграх Валерій Борзов виграв дві золотих, одну срібну та дві бронзових медалі.
4.     На двадцять шостих Олімпійських іграх, які відбувалися в Атланті, наші українські спортсмени виграли 9 золотих медалей.

T: let’s check.


T: We use different verbs with different kinds of sports:

-  Play – if we speak about ball games;
-  Go – if we speak about sports ending in –ing;
-  Do - if we speak about other sports;

T: Let’s try to use “play”, “go” or “do”

1st team
He used to (1)__ jogging every day when he was at university.
I like (2)____ a good game of chess from time to time.
She (3)___ gymnastics for over five years now.
This summer we (4)__ windsurfing every day on our vacation.

2nd team
He's quite the athlete. He (5)__ basketball, baseball and hockey, too.
My wife (6)___ horse riding twice a week.
Why don't we (7)__ a set of tennis?
Some people think that (8)_ aerobics four times a week is the best pos­sible way of keeping fit.

Key: 1 go; 2 playing; 3 has been doing; 4 are going to go; 5 plays; 6 goes; 7 play; 8 doing;
III Заключна частина уроку
3.1 Підбиття підсумків уроку

T: Our tasks were:
- to learn new words. What words do you remember?
-  to make aiquaintance with sportsmen of Ukraine. Whom of them do you remember?
-  and the last task was to traine speaking skills. We saw you are good in speaking because you 
  have spoken English much today.

T:  This is the end of our traveling. I think it was interesting.
      Now let’s speak about your marks.

3.2 Домашнє завдання
Ø  I – рівень vocabulary work
Ø II– рівень Ex. 2, p. 86 (workbook) w.f.
Ø III – рівень Ex. 4, p. 151 (book) o.f.
Ø  IV– рівень  Make up story about preparation to Euro 2012 in wich you’ll speak about sportsmen about sportsmen as well.
What was hard for you?

What part of our lesson do you like/dislike?

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