четвер, 29 жовтня 2015 р.

School life lesson 1

Курс: I
Тема:Why go to school?
Підтема:School life

Освітня:ознайомити з новими лексичними одиницями, вчити учнів вживати
лексичний матеріал по темі, прищеплювати навички самостійного
читання, робитиповідомлення, виконувати вправи по темі.
 Розвиваюча: розвиток в учнів умінь переносу знань у нові ситуації, розвиток
слухової та  зорової пам’яті, уваги, готовності до участі в іншомовному
спілкуванні,  розвиток навичок монологічного мовлення .
Практична : практикувати учнів у читанні , монологічному мовленні, усному
спілкуванні   по темі, практикувати у фіксації та передачі інформації з
максимальним   вживанням лексичного матеріалу по темі, практикувати 
самостійне опрацювання  матеріалу та робити висновки.
Виховна :виховувати в учнів розуміння важливості вивчення англійської мови
Обладнання: підручник, словник, мультимедія
Тип уроку: комбінований урок
Хід уроку
I Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення
1.1    Організаційний момент     
1.2    Актуалізація опорних знань учнів
Teacher: Nice to see you, friends! I hope all of you are well today. You know, yesterday I came across one proverb which made a great impression on me. It proves that I am doing the right thing, that I made the right decision when decided to become a teacher and to give knowledge to schoolchildren. And I`d like to know what you think about it. Look at this proverb, read and say how you understand it.Give Ukrainian equivalent of the proverb and explain its meaning, please.
(The proverb is on the slide 1 Education is light, lack of it is darkness. )
Possible answers of pupils:
-        for a clever and educated person all doors are open, he can find a good job and make a wonderful career, become a famous politic or a scientist:
-        a person who isn`t clever and not educated will live in darkness, will not be able to study at the university or to have a job where he can earn much money.
1.3    Повідомлення теми, мети та завдань уроку.(slide 2)
Teacher: Very good of you. As for me, I totally agree with the proverb. Only educated people are interesting to communicate with, they have a better chance to get a well-paid and exciting job, they are luckier to become famous and useful for our society. But how can a person become educated? Can he do it only by himself? Who can help him? Of course, without attending school it`s very difficult to get knowledge in different spheres of life. As you`ve already understood we start a new topic ‘School Life’. Today we`ll speak about the role of school in your life, will try to remember your first day at school; we`ll also practice in reading and listening.   
II Основначастинауроку
2.1 Pre – reading activities
(slide 3)
·        Teacher: Now look at the word SCHOOL and say what emotions, feelings, wishes do you associate with it. Make sentences like this:
I go to school because it`s interesting for me.
               interesting                                          get knowledge                 
                                              exciting                                           not to be silly

to please parents                              SCHOOL

              to make new friends                                                  to develop outlook

                                         to become educated                              to have fun

*    Vocabulary work (slide 4)
 word file, p. 37 – make sentences with new words

*    Speaking (slide 5)
Work in pairs - exercise 5, page 38 – take turn asking and answering  the questions
2.2 Reading
·        Exercise 2, page 36(slide 6)
Key: 1-c; 2-f; 3-b; 4-e; 5-a; 6-d; (slide 7)
2.3 Post – reading activities
*    Writing(slide 8)
·        Exercise 3, page 36- read the essay again and decide whether the statements are
                                           true (T) or false (F).
Key: 1-f; 2-t; 3-t; 4-t; 5-t; 6-f; 7-t. (slide 9)
·        Exercise 4, page 36 – match the words with the definitions. (slide 10)
Key: 1-b; 2-c; 3-f; 4-g; 5-d; 6-a; 7-e.(slide 11)
III Заключна частина уроку
3.1 Підбиття підсумків уроку
Teacher: Friends, our lesson is coming to an end. I`m happy to say we`ve done a good bit of work during the lesson. All of you`ve worked hard and have been active.
What did you enjoy doing at the lesson, what kind of activity was difficult for you and where was the difficulty?
(Teacher evaluates some pupils` work and gives them marks)
3.2 Домашнє завдання(slide 12)
·        I – рівень vocabulary work
·        II– рівень Ex. 1, p. 36 o.f.
·        III – рівеньEx. 6, p. 38w. f.

·        IV– рівень project work “School of my dreams”

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