субота, 31 жовтня 2015 р.

School life lesson 3

Курс: I
Тема: Why go to school?
Підтема: If you pass your exams well …
 1st Conditionals

Мета уроку: 
Освітня:  вдосконалювати навички вживання  1st Conditionals, вчити учнів вживати  
                 лексичний  матеріал по темі, прищеплювати навички самостійного 
                 читання, робити повідомлення, виконувати вправи по темі.
 Розвиваюча: розвиток в учнів умінь переносу знань у нові ситуації, розвиток 
                  слухової та  зорової пам’яті, уваги, готовності до участі в іншомовному 
                  спілкуванні,  розвиток навичок монологічного мовлення .
Практична : практикувати учнів у читанні , монологічному мовленні, усному 
                  спілкуванні   по темі, практикувати у фіксації та передачі інформації з       
                  максимальним   вживанням граматичного матеріалу по темі, практикувати  
                  самостійне опрацювання  матеріалу та робити висновки.
Виховна :  виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань.
Обладнання: підручник, словник, мультимедія
Хід уроку
I Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення
1.1    Організаційний момент     
1.2    Актуалізація опорних знань учнів
*    Checking the home work (slide 1)
·        Exercise 4, p. 42  - complete the sentences with the words from thew box
Key:  1-junior; 2-compulsory; 3-comprehensive; 4-courses; 5-Advanced; 6-available; 7-independent; 8-public; 9-boarding; 10-opportunities.
1.3    Повідомлення теми, мети та завдань уроку. (slide 2)
II Основна частина уроку
*    Grammar point, p. 40 (slide 3)
*    Speaking  (slide 4)
·        Exercise 2, p. 40
*  Writing (slide 5)
·        Exercise 1, p. 40
Key: 1-f; 2-e; 3-g; 4-c; 5-b; 6-I; 7-a; 8-d; 9-h. (slide 6)
·        Exercise 5, p. 41 (slide 7)
*  Reading
·       Read the website page of Charterhouse boarding school and say what is the difference between a boarding school and  secondary school. Would you like to study at such school? Prove your answer.
13-18 year old boys boarding school
16-18 year old girls and boys boarding and day school
Charterhouse is a happy, stimulating and demanding environment, as is appro¬priate for the place where pupils spend some of the most important years of their lives. Our ambition is to ensure that, by providing support, encouragement and inspiration, each pupil fulfils his or her potential
Pastoral Care (relating to the duties of a teacher in advising students about their personal needs rather than their schoolwork)
At Charterhouse we are actively committed to providing the highest standards of pastoral care to ensure the wellbeing of all our pupils. Pastoral care plays a central part in pupils' lives during their time here, with a team of staff who support and care for them.
The pastoral care team comprises:
The Assistant Headmaster, Pastoral
Head of Girls
The Master of Yearlings            
Chaplain (a priest or other religious minister responsible for the religious needs of a club, the army, a hospital etc)
Medical Staff
Counsellors (someone whose job is to help and support people with problems)  
The Assistant Headmaster, Pastoral, Mr Nigel Cooper, oversees all pastoral care and reports directly to the Headmaster.
All pupils are under the care of their resident Housemaster, who is their day-to-day mentor and is responsible for looking after them through¬out their time at Charterhouse.
Each Housemaster also has a team of around six tutors. Every pupil is allocated a tutor who takes a particular interest in his academic work and extra-curricular commitments. A tutor has around two pupils to look after in each of the five year groups giving a very good tutor /pupil ratio. Tutors meet with their tutees each week in the 15 minute mid-morning tutorials and on the tutor's weekly duty night in House. One of these tutors will be appointed the Assistant Housemaster; he or she too will have a very close working knowledge of the House.
For girls, there are is also the Head of Girls, Mrs Maggy Swift, and her team of staff who run Chetwynd, Northridge, Stainers and Long Meadow which collectively make up the girls' residential accommodation.
Housemasters and The Head of Girls are supported by a resident Matron who looks after the domestic needs of each pupil in the House, dispenses routine medication and offers homely advice and support.
There is also a structure of care amongst the pupils in each House. The Housemaster appoints a Head of House and House Monitors to help care for pupils in the House. And during-their first few weeks in the House, each new pupil is allocated to an older pupil whose responsibility it is to make sure they settle in, find their way around and learn quickly how the School and House works.
The Master of the Yearlings keeps a special eye on the new boys (known as 'Yearlings'), organizing informal meals and opportunities to talk through any issues they may have as new boys in the School.
There is also the chaplaincy, the medical staff and counsellors whom any pupil can make an appointment to meet and discuss any problems they may have. 

III Заключначастинауроку
3.1 Підбиттяпідсумківуроку
·        People say knowledge is power — is this true?
·        Are things that your school teaches you that you think are not impor¬tant?
(Teacher evaluates some pupils` work and gives them marks)
3.2 Домашнєзавдання(slide8)
•        I – рівень Ex. 2, p. 40 w.f.
•        II– рівень Ex. 3, p. 41 w.f.
•        III – рівень Ex. 4, p. 41 w. f.
•        IV– рівеньEx. 6, p. 41 w.f.

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