субота, 31 жовтня 2015 р.

School life lesson 6

Курс: I
Тема: Why go to school?
Підтема: American schools

Освітня:  ознайомити з новими лексичними одиницями, вчити учнів вживати  
                 лексичний  матеріал по темі, прищеплювати навички самостійного 
                 читання, робити повідомлення, виконувати вправи по темі.
 Розвиваюча: розвиток в учнів умінь переносу знань у нові ситуації, розвиток 
                  слухової та  зорової пам’яті, уваги, готовності до участі в іншомовному 
                  спілкуванні,  розвиток навичок монологічного мовлення .
Практична : практикувати учнів у читанні , монологічному мовленні, усному 
                  спілкуванні   по темі, практикувати у фіксації та передачі інформації з       
                  максимальним   вживанням лексичного матеріалу по темі, практикувати  
                  самостійне опрацювання  матеріалу та робити висновки.
Виховна :  виховувати відповідальне ставлення до навчання
Обладнання: підручник, словник, мультимедія
Тип уроку: комбінований урок
Хід уроку
I Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення
1.1    Організаційний момент     
1.2    Актуалізація опорних знань учнів
·        Answer for questions: (slide 1)
1)     What images spring to mind when you hear the country USA?
2)     What is the USA most famous for?
3)     What things about the USA do you think Americans are prout of?
4)     What do you know about education in America?
1.3    Повідомлення теми, мети та завдань уроку. (slide 2)

II Основна частина уроку
*    Reading (slide 3)
Ø    Read the article from the Internet and choose the sentences (A-H) that best fit gaps (1-7). There is one extra sentence.
 Approximately 46 million students are enrolled in the nation's public schools in grades kindergarten through 12. Another 6 million attend pri¬vate schools. But if you read the newspapers, you know it's not that sim¬ple anymore. Several new types of schools have appeared in recent years. What's the difference between a magnet school and a charter school? Paro¬chial and proprietary? Which one is best for your child?
Here's a brief description of the different types of schools on today's educational landscape.
Public schools
Public schools get their financing from local, state, and federal government funds. In most cases, they must admit all students (1)         . Charterschools and magnet schools are two relatively new kinds of public schools.
Charter schools
Charter schools began appearing in the early 90s. They are autonomous, "alternative" public schools started by parents, teachers, community organizations, and for-profit companies. These schools (2)  must also comeup with private funding. Charter schools must adhere to the basic curricu-lar requirements of the state but are free from many of the regulations that apply to conventional schools and the day-to-day scrutiny of school boards and government authorities.
Considered cutting edge, charter schools usually challenge standard education practices and sometimes specialize in a particular area, such as technology, the arts, or a back-tb-basics core-subjects approach. Some char-ter schools are specifically for gifted or high-risk kids. They usually offer smaller classes and more individual attention (3)     . To find out more aboutcharter schools and where to find them in your area, visit the U.S. CharterSchools Web site.                 
Magnet schools
Magnet schools are highly competitive, highly selective public schools renowned for their special programs, superior facilities, and high academic standards. They may specialize in a particular area, such as science or the arts. Students who apply to these schools go through a rigorous testing andapplication process. Some magnet schools have boarding facilities (4)        . Magnet schools were first launched in the late 1970s to help desegregate publicschool systems by encouraging children to attend schools outside their neighborhoods. Student diversity is still an explicit goal of most magnet schools.

Private schools
Private schools rely on tuition payments and funds from non-publicsources such as religious organizations, endowments, grants, and charitable donations. These schools select from among students who apply foradmission. They may (5)    _. About 25 percent of the elementary and secondary schools in the United States are private.
Independent schools
Independent schools are private, nonprofit schools governed by elected boards of trustees. This category includes such famous private schools asAndover and Exeter. Independent schools draw their funds from tuitionpayments, charitable contributions, and endowments rather than fromtaxes or church funds. They may be affiliated with a religious institutionbut cannot receive funds or governance from them. Of the 28,000 privateschools in the United States, only about 1,500 are independent. Abouttwo-thirds of those are members of the National Association of Independent Schools, (6) and have agreed to practice nondiscriminatory policies.Many accept boarding as well as day students. Private day schools generally cost from a few thousand to more than $10,000 per student per year, while a boarding school charges each student approximately $ 20,000 annually.
Parochial schools
Parochial schools are church-related schools, most commonly owned and operated by Catholic parishes or dioceses but also by Protestant denominations. Hebrew schools may also be termed parochial. The majority of the private schools in the United States are parochial schools. (7)         Teachers maybe clergy or lay persons who may or may not be trained educators. Your child doesn't have to be Catholic to attend a parochial school, but she will still be required to attend religious education classes and prayer services. Parochial schools generally cost between $ 1,200 and $ 2,400 per year for an elementary school student and between $ 4,600 and $ 7,500 for a high school student.
Proprietary schools
Proprietary schools are private schools that are run for profit. This is a relatively new category of school. They do not answer to any board of trustees or elected officials. Because of this they claim to be able to respond quickly to the demands of the market. Many belong to an organization called the National Independent Private Schools Association. Tuition is compara¬ble to that of private, nonprofit schools.

A    receive tax dollars but the sponsoring group
В    to allow students from out of state to attend
С     The academic curriculum at these schools is supplemented with re-quired
daily religious instruction and prayer.
D    be coed or single sex
E    who live within the borders of their district
F     than conventional public schools G    have high grades
H     which means they have been accredited by a recognized state or regional body
Key: 1 E; 2 A; 3 F, 4 B.5:D 6 H; 7 С (slide 4)
*    Speaking
Type of education
Ø    Look at the diagram below. Describing the system of education in the USA

Type of education (institution)
Nursery school/pre-school


Primary school
Elementary or primary school
Middle school or Junior High School
Combined Junior — Senior High-School
' 12—18
4-year High School
Senior High School (usually 4, sometimes 3 years)
Junior or Community College (2 years after High School)

College or University (4 years to BA degree)

College or University graduate school to MA/Ms or PhD

*    Writing
·                   Exercise 3 a), p. 46 – compare the system of education in the USA and Britain.
III Заключна частина уроку
3.1 Підбиття підсумків уроку
Teacher: Friends, our lesson is coming to an end. I`m happy to say we`ve done a good bit of work during the lesson. All of you`ve worked hard and have been active.
What did you enjoy doing at the lesson, what kind of activity was difficult for you and where was the difficulty?
(Teacher evaluates some pupils` work and gives them marks)
3.2 Домашнєзавдання(slide 5)
•        I – рівень Ex. 3, p. 26  w.f. – workbook
•        II– рівень Ex. 1, p. 28 w.f. - workbook
•        III – рівеньEx. 2, p. 31w. f. - workbook
•        IV– рівеньEx. 5, p. 33 w.f. - workbook

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